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Company profile


Peter Maccallum established Maccallum & Associates CC in May 1993. A year later he was joined by Peter Harrison forming Maccallum & Associates SA (Pty) Ltd. In early 2008, Sean Harrison joined the company, with Grant Harrison joining in late 2009 and Rob Townshend in mid-2014.
In 2013, the company name was changed to Maccallum (Pty) Ltd. Peter Maccallum retired in March 2017, following which 100% ownership of Maccallum passed to Jahilda (Pty) Ltd, which is in turn owned by Jahilda Trust (87.50%; controlled by the Harrison family) and Jahilda Incentive Trust (12.50%; in benefit of Maccallum staff). In September 2022, Sean Harrison resigned to resume his previous career, and in September 2023, the business lost Peter Harrison after a brief illness, leaving Grant and Rob to assume full control of the daily operations of the business.


As a private company, Maccallum (Pty) Ltd is not listed on a Stock Exchange and does not publish audited annual financial statements, although these are available on request.
Rob and Michaela, based in Johannesburg, look after customers in the Highveld area, and Jano Williams in Durban the customers in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State. From the head office in Cape Town, Mark Trevena tends to customers in the Western and Eastern Cape and in Namibia.
The executives and management team have long-standing sales and operational experience in the raw materials trading and distribution business.




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